"Venta online de trufa fresca y preparados con trufa"

info@esporagourmet.com | +34  975 23 25 80

Taste of black truffles in Darlalata Zaragoza

We were yesterday in Zaragoza giving a tasting session in Darlalata. Ana, the owner, said about us: "When talking about truffle the first things that comes to our minds is flavour, taste, quality... Espora Gourmet really knows about this, that is why we have choosen them, because in Darlalata we love to offer the best quality".

Four Tapas were tasted, combined with wines D.O. Cariñena:

  • Marinated Cod with tomato and black truffle pearls
  • Marinated Salmon on cheese and Black Truffle Balsamic cream
  • Scrambled eggs with fresh truffle
  • Burrata with Acacia Honey with Summer Truffle.

After the big success we are organizing a second tasting session in May. Thanks for making happen such a good time. We are longing to be back!


17 de febrero de 2017
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Actuación subvencionada:

Participación en la Feria IGEHO 2019 (Basilea, Suiza, del 16 al 20 de noviembre) y material promocional en varios idiomas, expansión internacional de Pymes. Nº. Expte. 08/18/SO/0036.


Polígono Industrial Las Casas
Calle D, Parcela 13 nave 16.
42005 | Soria (Spain)


+34 975 23 25 80

Nuestro horario

Lunes a jueves
8:00 a 13:00 - 15:00 a 18:00
8:00 a 13:00
Sábado y domingo

Compra online trufa de Soria

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