Raspberry mousse with Acacia Honey with Summer Truffle

This recipe is conceived by the blogger “La dulzura de Mary”
· 125 g raspberries
· 1 egg white
· 125 g yoghurt
· ½ cup of sugar
· ¼ cup of water
· Acacia Honey with Summer Truffle
Keep 9 or 10 raspberries for garnishing. Blend the rest of the raspberries with the yoghurt until obtaining a smooth cream.
Make a syrup on low heat with the sugar and the water. Beat the egg white until stiff peaks form, and add the syrup little by little while beating. In this way, we will obtain a white, soft and consistent meringue. Mix the raspberry and yoghurt cream with the meringue folding it slowly with a spatula.
Serve and garnish with the raspberries we have kept. Add a teaspoon of Acacia Honey with Summer Truffle over it. It will give a delicious and fragrant scent.
It is important to keep in the fridge until serving, so the mousse can keep with a smooth consistency.