TUBER AESTIVUM VITT (Trufa de verano)

Product description

It is also called summer truffle. It is very similar to the black winter truffle, but its inner side has white shades and the outer side is covered with pyramidal bumps. When fresh, it gives off a mild and pleasant smell.

Truffles come under a modified atmosphere. We are pioneers in this preservation method for fresh truffles and mushrooms, that allows to maintain the properties of the truffle for days without losing flavour, weight or texture.

This process is carried out following a rigorous control on cleaning, packaging and delivery in isothermal boxes. In this way, we can guarantee the maximum quality and freshness to our customer. In addition, the traceability of the product is written in the package, letting you know its history, and its sanitary guarantee. This is a great innovation for this precious mushroom.

*Truffles are seasonal. Tuber Aestivum is available from May to August.

*If you are interested in this product, please CONTACT us.

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Participación en la Feria IGEHO 2019 (Basilea, Suiza, del 16 al 20 de noviembre) y material promocional en varios idiomas, expansión internacional de Pymes. Nº. Expte. 08/18/SO/0036.


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